1-2-3 Magic by Thomas Phelan, PhD
Gentle 3-Step Child; Toddler Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting (Positive Parenting Guide for Raising Happy Kids)
A Life Changing Message Every Woman Should Hear Pt 1 (Audio)
Dr Lee talks about the benefits of using all natural Progesterone hormone.
A Life Changing Message Every Woman Should Hear Pt 2 (Audio)
Follow up audio on Dr John R Lee's Atlanta speech answering audience questions.
Back To Balance Healing
Restore Your Hope In Health: Chiropractic ~ Nutrition Response Testing ~ Holistic Health Care
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (PDF Book)
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (PDF): The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Lack of Focus, Anger, and Memory Problems
Dr. John R Lee Talks About Progesterone (video)
Dr Lee talks about the benefits of using all natural Progesterone hormone.
Extraordinary Journey: The Lifelong Path of the Transracial Adoptee by Mark Hagland
Extraordinary Journey by Mark Hagland was written order to help all the stakeholders around transracial adoption to sort through many of the key issues facing transracial adoptees.
Gardener of the Soul - Anne Redelfs, MD
I call my business “What the World Needs Now!” because this return to wholeness is what our world needs.
Minnesota Crime Victims Reparations Board
If you or someone you know has been the victim of a violent crime, the Minnesota Crime Victims Reparations Program may be able to help.
MnFire - Minnesota Firefighter Initiative
Providing Minnesota’s firefighters with the tools they need to prioritize and protect their health
Radical Forgiveness Worksheets
Enabling you to work through Radical Forgiveness with these resources.
Release of Information Form
Authorization to release private information between organizations
The journey of transracial adoption on NPR's - 1A
We talk about what it means when you feel like you don’t fit into your family, how transracial adoptees cope with the double trauma of adoption and racism, and what role the white adoptive parent has in all of this.