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Illness Can Be the Cure

Our souls are urging our development and the exact needs are expressed through whatever is ailing us.

Illness Can Be the Cure

I am a Soul Listener … My life’s work is to help people hear the gorgeous music of their souls. I also have tremendous experience with the seemingly endless misfortunes we encounter when we are not accustomed to listening to our souls’ many veiled voices. Once practicing as a medical doctor and psychiatrist, I now listen to the soul communications in each physical and psychological symptom. As a gardener of the soul, I help clients to follow their soul’s brilliant guidance. The more we learn to listen to our souls and follow this guidance, every aspect of our lives blossoms and eventually fruits! - Anne Redelfs MD

Have you ever wondered if there is a reason for our health challenges, beyond what our doctors tell us? This workbook shares many reasons based on the premise that our souls are speaking to us through each symptom, sign, and disease process.

Our souls are urging our development and the exact needs are expressed through whatever is ailing us. If you or a loved one is suffering from illness,

This book is for you!

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©2024 by Know Thyself Healing & Therapy | Know Thyself, PLLC | Minnetonka, Minnesota

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​The Therapists affiliated with Know Thyself Healing & Therapy (KTHT) are not employees of KTHT, they are independently licensed professionals. They practice under their own licenses and are solely responsible for the services they provide. While they may collaborate with Know Thyself Healing & Therapy, they maintain their autonomy in delivering care to clients/patients. Any opinions, recommendations, or actions taken by these professionals are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Know Thyself Healing & Therapy or its owners. Clients and patients are encouraged to discuss any questions or concerns directly with their provider.

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