About Us
Discovering Keys to Healing
Our Mission
Know Thyself Healing & Therapy’s mission is to walk alongside our clients and support them in their journey to heal and to truly know themselves as whole. We utilize a variety of modalities and years of experience to create the best possible approach for our client’s healing.
Our Vision
Know Thyself Healing & Therapy’s vision is to create a supportive community for our clinicians and practitioners which enables them to grow and thrive. This community is empowered to provide excellent care and solutions that give the best outcomes to our clients. This community also extends out into the community as we collaborate with other individuals, healthcare professionals and organizations devoted to compassionate support of those in need.
Our Values
Truth is the basis for any healthy relationship. We strive to always communicate from this place in order to create strong and enduring connections that collaborate toward healing and knowing thyself fully.
Compassion enables us to not only empathize with our clients and community, but to see them as ourselves. What we do unto others, we also do unto ourselves. Compassion reminds us that we all heal together when this simple precept is followed.
Empowerment is about giving, teaching, supporting and loving. This value is our guide and reminder that what we do is in service of others.
Acceptance is a process that has outcomes in growth and connection. Acceptance is a place of power and thoughtful action. Accepting others for where they are at, doing the best they can is a crucial step towards opening up to the help that can be given.
Collaboration reminds us that we need one another. Living is meant to be shared as we all have our unique perspectives, talents, and needs. We are meant to embolden one another on our journey in this life.
Transparency reveals the truth and it holds us accountable to our actions. This value holds a special place in reminding us to do better each and every day.